Wood and Shop

I’m Joshua Farnsworth, and I love Woodworking with both Hand Tools and with Power Tools! Millions of people have visited my website (WoodAndShop.com) and watched…

  • Series
  • 14 Episodes
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Wood and Shop



How to Cut a Notch in Wood with Woodworking Hand Tools

Will Myers shows how to cut a simple notch in a piece of wood using traditional woodworking hand tools, while at the Wood & Shop…


How to Refurbish a Metal Rabbet Plane

Bill Anderson shows how to refurbish antique metal rabbet planes.


How to Refurbish a Wooden Rabbet Plane

Bill Anderson shows how to refurbish antique wooden rabbet planes.


How to Make a Wooden Pizza Peel – No Talking – Only Working

Joshua Farnsworth shows how to make a wooden pizza peel using woodworking hand tools and power tools.


How to use a Shave Horse and Drawknife for Green Woodworking

I'm Joshua Farnsworth, and I love Woodworking with both Hand Tools and with Power Tools! Millions of people have visited my website (WoodAndShop.com) and watched my…


All about Hand Saws for Woodworkers

Tom Calisto simplifies the confusion around historical hand saws, including types of saws, saw tooth shape & count, and more.


Ultimate Mortise and Tenon Joint Part 3: Drawboring

Will Myers shares a detailed lesson on how to make a mortise and tenon joint, while building a trestle dining table. Part 3 shows how…


Ultimate Mortise and Tenon Joint Part 2: Chop the Mortise

Will Myers shares a detailed lesson on how to make a mortise and tenon joint, while building a trestle dining table. Part 2 shows how…


Ultimate Mortise and Tenon Joint Part 1: Cut the Tenon

Will Myers shares a detailed lesson on how to make a mortise and tenon joint, while building a trestle dining table. Part 1 shows how…


Which hand Tools to Make a Wood Plane?

Bill Anderson shows which woodworking hand tools he uses to make an 18th century jointer plane.


Why use an 18th Century Wood Plane?

Bill Anderson shows the features of an 18th century jointer wood plane.


Amazing Moravian Workbench Tour

Will Myers shows the unique features of the amazing unique Moravian Workbench.


How to Square Boards with Woodworking Hand Tools (Full Version)

Jeremy Tritchler shows how to four square lumber using historical hand tools.


How to Square Boards with Woodworking Hand Tools (Part 5)

Jeremy Tritchler shows how to four square lumber using historical hand tools. In part 5/5, Jeremy shows how to square an edge, parallel to the…